Sunday 7 August 2011

Short Story Star Lake

Here is the last of the short stories I wrote on livejournal.


Did you ever wonder where the stars go when they don’t shine in the sky? Did you ever wonder if stars are more than just some light twinkling in the sky?
Some people say that the stars are spirits that live in the sky at night and sleep on the earth by day. Nobody knows exactly where they sleep, but some say that they sleep in special lakes known as star lakes.
One day Adam was late for school and decided to take a shortcut through some fields. As he rushed past trees and through hedges he suddenly came to a place he didn’t recognise. He found himself at a lake that he never knew existed. As he looked around he wasn’t around he wasn’t surprised the lake was completely hidden from sight by the bushes and trees around it. Though he was surprised he was still in a hurry, and despite being in a hurry he had to move slowly to that the muddy ground didn’t dirty his clothes and didn’t dirty his shoes any more. As he walked by the edge of the lake his foot slipped and he fell in to the glimmering lake. As he flailed he attempted to call for help, but the shock and the water veiling his mouth kept his cries of help from escaping. Not that it mattered anyways, there was nobody nearby to hear his screams, at least he thought there was nobody nearby, as he had given up hope a hand gently grabbed his flailing arm and carried him safely back to dry land.
The boy opened his eyes to see a nice girl whose entire being seemed to shimmer gently and let out calming waves. She yawned and her voice calmly rang out “Are you ok? Lucky I woke up when I heard you splashing. I’m normally a very heavy sleeper... hmm… what were you doing out here anyways? It’s very rare for me to get a visitor.”
The boy nervously replied “I was trying to take a shortcut to school and ended up here, and then I fell into the lake while I was trying to get by. What were you doing sleeping in a place like this though? I tried sleeping outside before and I caught a cold because of it”.
“I guess you could call this place my home… and don’t worry, I won’t catch a cold from sleeping here” replied the girl with a heart-warming gentle smile.
“This is your home? Does that mean that you’re homeless? You must get lonely here” said the boy with a look of worry.
“Don’t worry, I’m not homeless. I just have a different home to most other people, and I’m not lonely, I just stay here during the day to rest and I go out at night with all my friends… It was nice to get a chance to talk with a visitor, but maybe you should hurry to school.” said the girl with the same heart-warming smile.
With a look of shock the boy realised how late he was and started to rush off towards school again and said quickly to the girl “It was nice talking miss, I’ll come here to visit you again so that you won’t be lonely during the day anymore”. With that the boy smiled and rushed off out between the bushes towards school.
As the boy left the girl spoke quietly to herself “It would be nice if you visited again, but my lake may never appear near you again, and even if it did star lakes are very well hidden from normal people. It’s only at times when I think of this that I do feel lonely…”. As she said that she fell gently into the lake and disappeared into it to continue her sleep until night time arrived.

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