Sunday 7 August 2011

Poem - Depth Dwellers

Here is a poem I wrote a long time ago and posted on livejournal after I thought of a clever connection between 2 things :)

Each one is unique, yet each one searches for the same thing. Though only a lucky few find that which they seek. Many settle for something other than what they sought, and tell themselves that they found it. Each one is fragile, yet each one can gather more strength than you could ever imagine when it matters most. But, alas, many become broken after using that strength… once they break they retreat to the depths of darkness, hiding from the light that would make their cracks visible to the world. They meet others who they try to hide the cracks from, but many see them, many feel them… but many choose to ignore them. Most say that they will go away in time, but to this little heart it already feels like it’s been too long, and that it’s cracks may never fully heal…
So for now all it can do is dwell in the depths, until it is safe to venture out again…

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